Ruby Crown VI
The party leaves the coffin room, choosing to inspect the jade man more carefully. Gruffie mayhem knocks on the body. Each time she does, the stuff corpses animate slightly, lurching towards the jade man. They debate whether the jade man is worth the inevitable attack. They decide it is. Lobsang and Clement lift the jade man. At once, green and yellow flames erupt in the corpses eyes and they spring to life. As their forms crack and creak to life, black sand falls from their joints. A battle ensues, the foes breaking into black sand when damaged. Just when it seems their forms cannot hold themselves together anymore, voids form in their chest, spilling with black dust. It is found (when the dust is thrown into the face of the knight) that the dust can turn one mad temporarily, causing ones eyes to burst into green and yellow flame. When the last of the creatures is finally cut down, the Tayan Theras clerics take some of the dust. They talk in hushed whispers about the temporary madness...